New Century Arts Inc.

Because there are variables beyond my control (clays, papers, water, mixing errors and etc) always pre test fire what you have before a big project. No guarantee can be offered that 'alternative" commercial paperclays now on the market will meet the all the performance advantages of my high performance trademark P'Clay® brand only available from licensed manufacturers/distributors.

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research areas


Ongoing R&D Need for Refinement of Sustainable Materials

Applications Beyond Art

Low cost medicines can be extracted from nano-porous compounds of paperclay ceramic. Design advantage saves money and time in production. Learn More.

contact Dr. Rosette Gault


Utube MInute Plus 1:47

Artist Vision v1.2

A quick view animated of how the porous form of paperclay would work as a filter.

New low cost medicines can now be developed because the molecular structure within water can be fine tuned and regulated. We already know how an exchange process of ions with soluble salts in water can happen, and we know a bout dispersal agents added to water but this is just the door into a whole new science.. as the orientation and 3D architecture of the fibre can be created

An Artists Vision: and Call for Research

The Potential for Recycled Ceramic Paperclay as a Porous Material for Water Filtration in Developing Regions

Design, production and manufacture, a practical approach. Field trials in Nicaragua.


Rosette Gault, Ph.D

Now Available 48 Page Summary report...